Mite-E-Ducts Air Duct Cleaning provides dryer vent cleaning, dryer vent re-routes, & dryer vent replacement. Our Certified Dryer Exhaust Technicians will ensure that your dryer exhaust is venting properly after your professional dryer vent cleaning by Mite-E-Ducts.
How we solve your home’s dryer vent lint problem safely and effectively:
Mite-E-Ducts uses various tools and methods to clean the dryer vent. Our most common tools are our high pressure air tools. It works great on most dryer vents. This device shoots air backwards to the dryer vent termination hood (located outside) at up to 250 psi while pushing itself through the dryer vent. All of the lint is collected outside; most of which is contained in our custom lint catcher. The technician disposes of the lint. Note: There may be some residual lint left behind, but we do our best to collect it all. Our other option, for the really clogged dryer vents, is our Dryer Vent Brush system. This system scrubs the inside of the duct system and removes all of the heavy build up.
The flexible vent from the Dryer Unit to the wall must be up to date professional grade flexible metal venting or just non-flexible 30 or 26 gauge metal piping. It is a violation of code to use White Vinyl for dryer venting, plus it is a potential fire hazard. The flexible material from the Dryer Unit to the wall is blown out and cleaned along with the dryer venting. Our special pneumatic tools have the ability to remove all kinds of blockages. Including bird nests.
Ask about our Bird Free Guarantee!
Tired of birds getting into your dryer vent & bathroom exhaust? Mite-E-Ducts has the solution. Our powder coated DryerWall Vents & DryerJack Roof Hoods will help protect your dryer vent from birds! Call today for more information or request a FREE ESTIMATE
*All of our Dryer Exhaust Technicians are C-DET certified.
Don’t let this happen to you!

This demonstration shows what happens when the highly flammable lint ignites. On the top right you see how flammable and unsafe the White Vinyl is. Can you afford to have it in your home? The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that over 15,500 dryer related fires occur each year and this number is rising at an alarming rate. Last year alone the result was 20 deaths, 320 injuries and over $84 million in property damage.
In addition to lint build up, improper installation of your vent system can also create a serious hazard. Our technicians can detect such problems as improperly routed vents and vents that are damaged or disconnected. Ensure your family’s safety with a professional inspection & cleaning. While most fires start in the dryer, a clogged vent can make for inadequate air flow, making your dryer work much harder.
Your dryer vent should be cleaned if:
- visible lint accumulates behind the dryer
- dryer keeps shutting off before the end of the timer
- you get an “AF” symbol on your dryer (AF = Air Flow a.k.a. poor airflow) whcih could mean a blockage
- your home is over a year old and has never had it done
- you notice longer dryer times, especially with towel & jeans
- the clothes are hotter than usual at the end of the cycle
Benefits of cleaning your dryer vent:
- Reduces drying times
- Saves you money on utility bills
- Increases the life of your dryer
Mite-E-Ducts technicians are Certified Dryer Exhaust Technicians (CDET) by the CSIA (Chimney Safety Institute of America)[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]